Dyslexia Course Professional Refresher

Dyslexia Course Professional Refresher

SGDA Professional

SGDA registered professionals that received training two or more years ago may enroll for this refresher course.

Registration Fee: R2 850 per delegate

Duration: 10 hours

After registration, you will only have access for 21 days during which you have to watch the presentations and complete the quizzes.

Only HPCSA registered individuals who have successfully completed the professionals course and is a registered SGDA professional can enrol for the refresher course.

Important Information & Course Outline

  1. The use of diagnostic labels
  2. The importance of an accurate diagnosis
  3. The DSM V and Specific Learning Disorders
  4. Dyslexia
  5. Dysgraphia
  6. Dyscalculia
  7. Diagnostic Criteria of the DSM V
  8. DSM V diagnostic code
  9. Diagnosing dyslexia
  10. Categories of dyslexia types
  11. Steps in Diagnosis
  12. Exclusion
  13. Discrepancy
  14. Direct Diagnosis
  15. Types and subtypes of dyslexia
  16. Stark Griffin Terminology
  17. Stark Griffin Dyslexia assessment
  1. Introduction
  2. The Procedure
  3. Decoding
  4. Encoding
  5. English Phonetic Equivalents
  6. Afrikaans Phonetic Equivalents
  7. Phonetic Encoding
  8. DST Case Studies
  1. Introduction
  2. Dysnemkinesia (Motoric Dyslexia Testing)
  3. Decoding Time Criteria
  4. Eidetic Decoding Forms
  5. Mode of Decoding
  6. Eidetic Encoding
  7. Case Studies
  8. Summary DST & DDT
  9. This is me heroes
  1. Internship Process & Program
  2. Marking SGDA Assessment Process
  3. The Report
  1. Introduction & Explanation
  2. Adult Assessment
  3. Summary
  1. Introduction
  2. Facts about Dyslexia
  3. Signs of Dyslexia
  4. Difficulties & Strengths in school
  5. 7 Myths about Dyslexia
  6. Layout of the SGJDA Assessment
  7. 30 Questions asked to parents
  8. Visual Perception and Examination
  9. Visual Spatial Relations
  10. Eidetic Decoding
  11. Phonological Awareness Skills Test
  1. What should be done
  2. Choosing a dyslexia friendly school
  3. Conduct policy for accommodations
  4. SIAS Policy
  5. Individual support plan
  6. Accommodations
  7. Additional time
  8. Concessions
  9. Assistive technology
  10. Exemptions
  11. Compensatory tools


  1. Overview of the Stark Griffin ™ Dyslexia Assessment
  2. Before
  3. During: DST
  4. Phonetic Equivalents
  5. During: DDT
  6. After
  7. Submission of documents
  8. Processing/marking of assessment
  9. Report and feedback
  10. The journey ahead
  11. Department of Basic Education – Accommodations
  12. IP & Trademark
  1. The hypothesis
  2. The results
  3. Results vs. Hypothesis
  4. What is foundational learning
  5. Simple view of reading
  6. Scarborough’s Reading Rope

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