Junior Dyslexia Assessment Course

Junior Assessment Training Dyslexia

SGDA registered professionals are allowed to register for this training and offer assessment services once successfully completed.

Registration Fee: R550.00 per delegate

CPD Points2

Duration: 90 minutes

After registration, you will only have access for 72 hours during which you have to watch the presentation and complete the quiz.

Only HPCSA registered individuals who have successfully completed the professionals course and is a registered SGDA professional can enrol for the Junior Dyslexia Assessment Training Course.

Important Information & Course Outline

Steps in learning to read.

Facts about Dyslexia and other related language-based learning disabilities.

  1. Preschool
  2. Grades R-2
  1. Preschool
  2. Grade R & Grade 1
  3. Grade 2 through to High School

Common myths about Dyslexia.

  1. Theory Manual
  2. Questionnaire
  3. Perceptual Exam
  4. Reversals Exam
  5. Eidetic Identification
  6. Phonological Awareness Skills Test

Questions asked to the Parents of a Dyslexic Child

  1. What is Visual Perception?
  2. Visual Discrimination
  3. Visual Memory
  4. Visual Sequential Memory
  5. Figure Ground
  6. Visual Closure
  7. Visual Form Constancy
  1. Building visual spatial reasoning skills
  2. Piaget’s Stages of Cognitive Development
  1. Identification of alphabetical letters
  2. Identification of 3 letter words
  3. Identification of frequently used words

Different steps of PAST  Test

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Training Course for Professionals

Click here for Course Outline.

SGDA Dyslexia
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Dyslexia Training for Teachers

Click here for Course Outline.

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Dyslexia Course Professional Refresher

Click here for Course Outline.

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Dyslexia Therapy Course

Click here for Course Outline.